Flipbuilder Flipbook Maker: www.flipbuilder.com/flip-pdf-pro/ This wonderful program is responsible for the professional digital Tags & Swipes Newsletters we provide for our region! |
Sweet Adelines International: sweetadelines.com Sweet Adelines International is a highly respected worldwide organization of women singers committed to advancing the musical art form of barbershop harmony through education and performance. |
Harmony Inc.: www.harmonyinc.org/ Harmony, Incorporated is an international, non-profit organization whose purpose is to empower all women through education, friendship and a cappella singing in the barbershop style. |
Ladies Association of British Barbershop Singers (LABBS): www.labbs.org.uk/ LABBS is made up of women of all ages but at the heart is their shared love of singing, friendship and being part of a modern and dynamic association. |
Barbershop Harmony Society: www.barbershop.org/ Men from all over the world and from all walks of life and all ages can come together and share in this truly American artform and find common ground through self expression in song. |
Education Center (SAI): https://sweetadelines.com/index.cfm?id=247 There is a wealth of information supplied to us through the Sweet Adelines International Education Center. Click on the link to experience it for yourself (you will be directed to login using your Sweet Adelines International login creditials before you can access this section.) |
Tracks by Jen: https://www.tracksbyjen.com/ Looking for a specific song? Search Jen's library of hundreds of songs! |
Donya Metzger Learning Tracks: https://donyametzger.com/shop/product-category/learning-tracks/ Set your chorus up for success with great earning tracks by Donya! |
Barbershop Tracks database: barbershoptracks.com/ Looking for a particular learning track but you're not sure where to find it? Check out this database! |
Kim Kraut Learning Tracks: https://www.kimkraut.com/ Check out Kim's inventory of songs for your next uptune or ballad! |